ERL PhotoInjector Gun Review

374 (Wilson Synchrotron Lab)


Wilson Synchrotron Lab

Technical review of the progress on the current ERL Phase 1A DC photoemission gun. Review of the Phase 1B gun currently under design for operation in Room 128 for experimental development.
  • Wednesday, January 5
    • 8:15 AM
      Breakfast / Coffee
    • 1
      Welcome / Overview
      Welcome, overview of the schedule, charge the committee with the review of the current and 2nd generation ERL guns.
      Speaker: Karl Smolenski (Cornell University)
    • 2
      Mk I Gun Performance Review
      Bruce will cover the performance of the current L0 gun, with an emphasis on changes to the original design to improve operational performance.
      Speaker: Bruce Dunham (Cornell University)
    • 3
      Mk II Gun Design Overview
      A detailed look at the design of the 2nd generation DC gun.
      Speaker: Karl Smolenski (Cornell University)
    • 10:45 AM
      Coffee Break
    • 4
    • 5
      ERL Gun Tour / Photocathode Facilities
      Tour of ERL prototype linac Gun, Tour of Cathode Preparation Facilities
    • 12:15 PM
      Working Lunch
    • 6
      Optimum Gun Voltage and Emittance Considerations
      Introduction to gun optimization and beam dynamics issues
      Speaker: Ivan Bazarov (Cornell University)
    • 7
      Electrode Geometry Optimization
      What are the parameters that drive electrode geometry and how has the electrode geometry been optimized. Comparison with existing geometry.
      Speaker: Jared Maxson (Cornell University)
    • 8
      Solenoidal Focusing in the gun
      Magnetic focusing in the gun
      Speakers: Jared Maxson (Cornell University), Karl Smolenski (Cornell University)
    • 9
      Beam Dynamics Discussion
    • 2:30 PM
      Coffee Break
    • 10
      HV System: Insulator, Power Supply, SF6 PV, Processing
      Review and Plans for the HV system
      Speaker: Bruce Dunham (Cornell University)
    • 11
      Ion Backbombardment Tracking
      Speaker: Jared Maxson (Cornell University)
    • 12
      Vacuum Requirements, Plans and Possibilites
      Details of the Vacuum system and expected performance, review of recent tests
      Speaker: Yulin Li (Cornell University)
    • 13
      Open Discussion
  • Thursday, January 6
    • 8:15 AM
      Breakfast / Coffee
    • 14
      Photocathodes: GaAs developments
      Speaker: Xianghong Liu (Cornell University)
    • 15
      Photocathodes: GaAs Electron Energy Analyzer
      Report on the status of the electron energy analysis setup
      Speaker: Siddharth Karkare (Cornell University)
    • 16
      Photocathodes: MultiAlkali developments
      Progress on MultiAlkali cathodes, plans for near future
      Speaker: Luca Cultrera (Cornell Unviersity)
    • 17
      Cathodes Discussion
    • 10:15 AM
      Coffee Break
    • 18
      Two Gap Gun Design Ideas
      Speaker: Jared Maxson (Cornell University)
    • 19
      Cathode Cooling Ideas
      Speaker: Mr Karl Smolenski (Cornell University)
    • 20
      Committee input for Cornell Gun R&D
    • 21
      Opportunities for Collaboration
    • 12:00 PM
      Working Lunch
    • 22
      New Directions for future DC Guns
      Speakers: Bruce Dunham (Cornell University), Ivan Bazarov (Cornell University)
    • 23
      Writting Assignments / Cmte Reports
      chaired by Matt Poelker (TJNAF)