Nov 6 – 11, 2022
Hyatt Regency Long Island
America/New_York timezone

Dominance of the seed from a tightly-focused electron bunch over the self-modulation of a long proton bunch in an over-dense plasma

Nov 10, 2022, 10:45 AM
Salon E

Salon E

Contributed Oral WG4 Oral: Beam-Driven Acceleration WG4: Beam-Driven Acceleration


Kook-Jin Moon (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology)


The phase and growth rate of the self-modulation of a long proton bunch in over-dense plasma can be controlled by a preceding charged particle bunch. In order to selectively seed the growth of the proton bunch self-field, the dominance of seed over any undesired imperfections of the proton bunch is important. In this work, we investigate analytically and numerically the phase and growth rate of the long proton bunch self-modulation, including the effects of its gently rising current profile and of the wakefields of the tightly focused low energy electron seed at the early stage of the self-modulation. We also show that the low energy electron bunch simultaneously drives a single mode modulation along the entire long proton bunch, mitigating mode polarization with the anomalous phase shift of the long proton bunch self-modulation.

Primary authors

Kook-Jin Moon (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology) Dr Patric Muggli (Max-Planck Institute for Physics) Prof. Moses Chung (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology)

Presentation materials