Nov 6 – 11, 2022
Hyatt Regency Long Island
America/New_York timezone

Call for Abstracts

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline

Brief Abstract Submission Guide for Authors

Authors who have invited contributions (invited talks or student tutorials) and authors who are making contributions to one of the 8 working groups (oral presentations, posters, or student posters) are requested to submit their abstracts by October 21, 2022.

The 8 working groups accepting contributions are:
- WG1: Laser-Plasma Wakefield Acceleration
- WG2: Computation for Accelerator Physics
- WG3: Laser and High-Gradient Structure-Based Acceleration
- WG4: Beam-Driven Acceleration
- WG5: Beam Sources, Monitoring, and Control
- WG6: Laser-Plasma Acceleration of Ions
- WG7: Radiation Generation and Advanced Concepts
- WG8: Advanced Laser and Beam Technology and Facilities

Once inside the abstract submission interface, authors should complete the following steps:
1) Please provide:
- an Abstract Title
- an Abstract (text of 350 words or less)

2) Select your Abstract Type:
- Contributed Oral
- Contributed Poster
- Invited Oral
- Student Poster
- Tutorial

3) Provide a list of authors/co-authors and designate the planned presenter.

4) Select the intended Program Track for your submission:
- Plenary Sessions: Invited Orals
- Working Group Sessions: WG1 through WG8 (for contributed orals)
- Poster Session: WG1 through WG8 (for contributed and student posters)
- Tutorial Session: Student Tutorial

5) Provide any required funding agency acknowledgments

Please don't hesitate to contact the organizers if you have questions or encounter any issues with your abstract submission.

The call for abstracts is closed.