17-21 July 2023
America/New_York timezone

Serial X-ray diffraction experiments for macromolecular crystallography are now performed at a number of beamlines and facilities worldwide, offering the opportunity to conduct innovative time-resolved experiments to investigate dynamic processes and also the capability to solve structures which cannot be solved using traditional methods. To develop the software and hardware in this field with the limited resources we have available, we need a discussion forum where we can identify the direction and purpose for this development, to ensure the technical developments are aligned with the scientific needs. 

Therefore, we are organizing a two-part workshop to be hosted at CHESS (Cornell University) in the week of 17th July with the goals of -

  • Getting a clear understanding of what developers are doing, and where that development is headed
  • Getting a clear idea of what our user community needs, and ensure that the development plans align with these scientific requirements

The two part workshop will therefore consist of - 

  • A two day venue for developers (software, hardware, instrumentation including sample delivery) to convene to discuss current work and challenges
  • An open user forum, also two days, to allow users to learn “what is going on” and to steer future developments
  • A final 'close-out' day for developers to assess and prioritize feedback from the open user form, including planning for specific work to be carried out in the next year to respond to that feedback.

We will integrate results in the workshop as a report to be distributed.

We appreciate that traveling for this is a big ask, but we feel the in-person nature is justified as the intention is to share ideas and ensure everyone works together to deliver what we need to get our science done. We hope you can join us.

Detailed agenda to follow.


Please use this link to book rooms at the hotel near CHESS: Best Western Booking Link
