Jun 19 – 23, 2023
Europe/Madrid timezone

Application of Low-Emittance Electron Beams for MeV UED

Jun 21, 2023, 12:35 PM
Contributed oral Ultrafast electron probes


Dr Joel England (SLAC)


Mega-electronvolt ultrafast electron diffraction (MeV-UED) is a complementary tool to X-ray based instruments that has enabled ground-breaking studies in condensed matter physics and chemical science. A significant opportunity exists for MeV-UED beyond current instrument capabilities in quantum materials, microelectronics and photo-chemical research. Further improvement in MeV-UED transverse emittance would allow access to longer-range electron correlations in quantum materials and to probe micron-sized homogeneous regions within complex heterogeneous materials. To broaden the scientific opportunities, improved instrument performance of MeV UED has been heavily requested. We discuss plans at the SLAC MeV-UED facility to enable substantial near-term improvements in beam brightness, data acquisition rate, and temporal and momentum-space resolution.

Primary author

Dr Joel England (SLAC)


Presentation materials