Phosphorus (P) and sulfur (S) are some of the essential elements for agriculture and environmental sciences research. The VLS-PGM beamline at the Canadian Light Source (CLS) is one of the few beamlines in the Americas that is built to optimize the delivered flux below 250eV, to access the L-edges of those elements. The beamline endstation has also been improved to perform XANES measurements over the Boron K-edge, and P and S L-edges by the use of a recently commissioned silicon drift detector (SDD) for partial fluorescence yield (PLY), a multichannel plate detector (MCP) for total fluorescence yield (FLY) and total electron yield (TEY). Micro image capability is presently under commissioning.
The CLS has recently started a collaboration, the MAPLE project, which provide to the Sirius Users access to the VLS-PGM beamline through a rapid mechanism. The capabilities of the beamline and the potential use of this beamline for CHESS users are highlighted in this poster with relevant examples.