WGs 1+8 Joint Session: Session 1 of 1
- Yong Ma (University of Michigan)
- Marcus Babzien (BNL)
- Marlene Turner (LBNL)
- Irina Petrushina (Stony Brook University)
- Stephen Milton
Joint session between Working Groups 1 & 8:
WG1 - Laser-Plasma Wakefield Acceleration
WG8 - Advanced Laser and Beam Technology and Facilities
The viability of next generation plasma-based linear colliders relies on the possibility of accelerating high-charge and low-emittance bunches to high energies over short distances with high efficiency, while keeping a small relative energy spread. Laser-plasma accelerators (LPAs) can operate in different regimes, namely, linear (or mildly nonlinear) stages, where laser guiding is achieved by...
We report on experiments investigating the influence of spatio-temporal couplings (STCs) in the laser focus on stimulated Raman Side Scattering. We find a discrepancy between measured scattered angles and classical theory. At the same time, the angle changes with propagation of the driving laser pulse. This mismatch can be resolved if the pulse front tilt (PFT) of the laser pulse is taken into...
After a decade-long successful operations [1] and producing new results in the field of Laser Plasma Acceleration (LPA) research [2-4] by the Berkeley Lab Laser Accelerator (BELLA), the PW laser system’s recent upgrades were completed in 2022. The first is the “Second Beamline” (PW-2BL), where the fully amplified, stretched pulses are split before compression, enabling two independently...
The petawatt (PW) facility at Berkeley Lab Laser Accelerator (BELLA Center) has successfully performed several experiments since its installation in 2012 [1], primarily focusing on optimization of single stage, high energy gain laser-plasma accelerators (LPAs) [2,3]. Recently, the facility has undergone two significant upgrades: i) a new second beamline (2BL) delivered into the existing...