WGs 7+8 Joint Session: Session 1 of 1
- John Palastro (University of Rochester, Laboratory for Laser Energetics)
- Stephen Milton
- Julia Mikhailova
- Marcus Babzien (BNL)
Joint session between Working Groups 7 & 8:
WG7 - Radiation Generation and Advanced Concepts
WG8 - Advanced Laser and Beam Technology and Facilities
A new concept for a high-power L-band RF amplifier is described, namely a Two-Stage Multi Beam Klystron (TS-MBK) operating with 12 hollow beamlets. This configuration allows for a remarkably high RF electronic efficiency of up to 90%, with a compact electro-mechanical layout. We present a conceptual design for a 1.0 GHz, 20 MW peak-power TS-MBK; its predicted performance was determined using...
Solutions of the single-particle equations of motion for electrons in the fields of an idealized TE111 microwave cavity in an external magnetic field near cyclotron resonance show acceleration rates that substantially exceed the limits for the CARA interaction. We have dubbed this new accelerator “eCRA.” Here, results are presented for realistic TE111 eCRA cavity geometry and finite...
The ATF's long-wave infrared (LWIR) laser produces optical pulses that enable substantially different acceleration regimes compared to near-infrared lasers. A 2 ps pulse duration and 5 TW peak power at 9.2 μm are presently the best demonstrated performance of this laser. This is achieved via chirped-pulse amplification of a microjoule seed pulse in a series of two high-pressure, mixed-isotope...
Over last three decades, BNL Accelerator Test Facility (ATF) pioneered the concept of a proposal-based user facility for lasers and electron beam-driven advanced accelerator research (AAR). This has made ATF, operating as an Office of Science National User Facility and a flagship DOE facility in Accelerator R&D Stewardship, an internationally recognized destination for researchers who benefit...