6-11 November 2022
Hyatt Regency Long Island
America/New_York timezone

Bunch Shaping in Electron Linear Accelerators

7 Nov 2022, 17:00
2h 30m
Ballroom Salon D

Ballroom Salon D

Tutorial Student Tutorial Student Tutorials


Yine Sun (Argonne National Laboratory)


Electron beam generated by an injector is often characterized by a set of parameters such as rms normalized emittance, bunch length, peak current, energy etc.. For different applications, the requirement for the beam parameters can be very different. In addition, some beam applications require finer control of the electron distribution such as specific shapes for its projection along a particular coordinate. The control of the beam distribution at the single-particle level could enable new opportunities in accelerator science. This tutorial review is based on our recent review paper [1] on electron bunch shaping for different applications. Experimental and theoretical developments of electron-bunch shaping will be discussed.

[1] G. Ha, K-J. Kim. P. Piot, J. G. Power and Y. Sun, “Bunch Shaping in Electron Linac Accelerators,” REVIEWS OF MODERN PHYSICS, VOLUME 94, APRIL–JUNE 2022.

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