Nov 6 – 11, 2022
Hyatt Regency Long Island
America/New_York timezone

Calibration of GeV wakefield-accelerated electron energies by bremsstrahlung cut-off calorimetry

Nov 8, 2022, 5:00 PM
2h 30m
Salons F, G, H and Foyer

Salons F, G, H and Foyer

Board: P12
Student Poster WG1 Poster: Laser-Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Poster Session and Reception


José Alejandro Franco Altamirano (The University of Texas at Austin)


We reconstruct the spectral cut-off of bremsstrahlung x-rays generated by GeV laser-wakefield-accelerated electrons with 10% accuracy using a compact, modular x-ray stack calorimeter. Unfolded cut-off energies range from 1GeV to 3GeV and increase in accuracy with increasing energy, opposite to the trend for conventional magnetic spectrometers. Consequently, bremsstrahlung cut-off calorimetry will become increasingly important for calibrating electron energies approaching and exceeding 10 GeV which otherwise require large expensive magnets for equivalent measurement accuracy.

Primary author

José Alejandro Franco Altamirano (The University of Texas at Austin)


Dr Andrea Hannasch (UT at Austin) Xiantao Cheng (University of Texas at Austin) Maxwell LaBerge Dr Brant Bowers (The University of Texas at Austin) Isabella Pagano (UT Austin/LLNL) Mr Michael Spinks (UT at Austin) Dr Hernan Quevedo (UT at Austin) Mr Thanh Ha (UT at Austin) Constantin Aniculaesei (The University of Texas at Austin) Rafal Zgadzaj (UT at Austin) Prof. Bjorn Manuel Hegelich (UT at Austin and Tau Systems Inc.) Michael Downer (The University of Texas at Austin)

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