Potential applications for laser-driven x-ray sources benefit from operation at high repetition-rate. Here, 15 mJ CPA pulses are generated at 480 Hz repetition-rate and tightly focused onto a gas target for the generation of K$_\alpha$ x-rays from a number of noble gases. The continuously-flowing nature of the gas jet meant that the target density was below the threshold for clustering and ensured an easier-to-implement target design. A robust experimental analysis of this debris-free x-ray source is presented including measurements of its performance while varying a number of parameters and how the source’s output scales under different experimental conditions. Calculations that suggest the x-ray pulse duration being on the fs time-scale in the forward direction are shown. Investigation of potential applications of the source and future improvements are discussed as well.
This work was supported by the Air Force Office of Scientific Resarch, Award number: AFOSR FA9550-16-1-0121.