Nov 6 – 11, 2022
Hyatt Regency Long Island
America/New_York timezone

High-efficiency compact laser-plasma electron accelerator

Nov 8, 2022, 4:30 PM
Salon D

Salon D

Contributed Oral WG1 Oral: Laser-Plasma Wakefield Acceleration WG1: Laser-Plasma Wakefield Acceleration


Matthias Fuchs (University of Nebraska–Lincoln)


Laser-plasma accelerators (LPAs) operating in the bubble regime require driver lasers with relativistic intensities and pulse durations that are significantly shorter than the plasma wavelengths. This severely limits the laser technology that can be used to drive LPAs and with that their wide spread and the currently achievable LPA parameters, such as repetition rate. Here, we report a widely unexplored regime of laser-plasma electron acceleration that is based on the direct parametric excitation of plasma waves. This method markedly relaxes the driver laser requirements in terms of peak power and pulse duration. We show preliminary experimental data that demonstrates the generation of high-charge mildly relativistic electron bunches with laser-to-electron conversion efficiency of nearly 10% which is unprecedented in gas-phase targets. The electron beams were generated using a gas target that can reach near the critical plasma density using a driver laser with moderate intensity. The experimental results demonstrate a novel regime that opens LPA electron acceleration for a wide range of driver laser technologies and holds the promise for a path to high-repetition rate LPAs for future compact particle accelerators and secondary sources.


This material is based upon work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of High Energy Physics under Award Number(s) DE-SC0021132.

Primary authors

Dr Ping Zhang (University of Nebraska - Lincoln) Jensen Kyle (University of Nebraska - Lincoln) Dr Matthew Robinson (University of Nebraska - Lincoln) Yunhao Fan (University of Nebraska - Lincoln) Tian Hu (University of Nebraska - Lincoln) Tim Kawamoto (University of Nebraska–Lincoln) Lake Larson (University of Nebraska - Lincoln) Junzhi Wang (University of Nebraska - Lincoln) Sudeep Banerjee (University of Nebraska - Lincoln) Megan Hyun (University of Nebraska Medical Center) Prof. Donald Umstadter (University of Nebraska–Lincoln) Prof. Brad A. Shadwick (University of Nebraska–Lincoln) Prof. Martin Centurion (University of Nebraska–Lincoln) Matthias Fuchs (University of Nebraska–Lincoln)

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