Nov 6 – 11, 2022
Hyatt Regency Long Island
America/New_York timezone

Shallow angle probing of beam driven wakes at the FACET II facility

Nov 8, 2022, 5:00 PM
2h 30m
Salons F, G, H and Foyer

Salons F, G, H and Foyer

Board: P31
Student Poster WG4 Poster: Beam-Driven Acceleration Poster Session and Reception


Jason Brooks


At the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory we are focusing on probing particle driven wakes on both short (100s of ps) and long (100+ $\mu$s) timescales utilizing the 10 GeV electron beamline at SLAC’s FACET II facility. Plasma shapes on the short timescales have potential applications in future positron accelerators [1] and on long timescales studies into the relaxation time of the accelerator are important for determining maximum repetition rates of these accelerators; we plan to build on the work from Ref. [2] to further explore these limits and compare these results with findings from Ref. [3].

[1] T. Silva et. al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 104801 (2021)
[2] R. Zgadzaj et. al. Nat Commun 11, 4753 (2020)
[3] R. D’Arcy et. al. Nature 603 58-62 (2022)


This work is supported by NSF grant PHY-2010435

Primary authors

Jason Brooks Rafal Zgadzaj (The University of Texas at Austin)


Michael Downer (The University of Texas at Austin)

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