Positron acceleration in plasma is a topic of interest for future applications of plasma-based linear colliders. At FACET, we investigated the acceleration of positrons in plasma under a variety of regimes including linear, non-linear, and hollow channel configurations. Over the course of these experiments, we observed the acceleration of plasma electrons captured in a positron beam-driven wake. The positron drive beam conditions were varied to determine the capture threshold of the plasma electrons. Simulations performed using OSIRIS 4.0 are in good agreement with the experiment which allows for a detailed analysis of the capture dynamics.
Work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy under contract numbers DE-AC02-76SF00515
and FG02-92-ER40727. The authors would like to acknowledge the OSIRIS Consortium, consisting of UCLA and IST (Libson, Portugal) for providing access to the OSIRIS 4.0 framework. Work supported by NSF ACI-1339893.