3-6 October 2022
Cornell University
America/New_York timezone

Study of an ERL-based Compact X-ray FEL

Not scheduled
Cornell University

Cornell University

Hosted by Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853 United States
Poster Poster Session


Fanglei Lin (ORNL) Dr Vasiliy Morozov (ORNL)


We propose to develop an energy-recovery-linac (ERL)-based X-ray free-electron laser (FEL). Taking advantage of the demonstrated high-efficiency energy recovery of the beam power in the ERL, the proposed concept offers the following benefits: i) recirculating the electron beam through high-gradient SRF cavities shortens the linac, ii) energy recovery in the SRF linac saves the klystron power and reduces the beam dump power, iii) the high average beam power produces a high average photon brightness. In addition, such a concept has the capability of optimized high-brightness CW X-ray FEL performance at different energies with simultaneous multipole sources. In this paper, we will present the preliminary results on the study of feasibility, optics design and parameter optimization.

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