Oct 3 – 6, 2022
Cornell University
America/New_York timezone

ERL based EUV-FEL light source for lithography

Oct 5, 2022, 9:50 AM
Cornell University

Cornell University

Hosted by Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853 United States
Presentation Uses and Applications Uses and Applications


Norio Nakamura (High Energy Accelerator Organization (KEK))


In extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography, high volume manufacturing recently started using a laser-produced plasma (LPP) source of 250-W power at 13.5 nm. However, development of a high-power EUV light source is still very important to overcome stochastic effects with a high throughput. The required EUV power to realize the 3-nm node and beyond with a high speed of future scanners is estimated to be more than 1 kW [1]. We have designed and studied an ERL-based EUV-FEL for future lithography [2-6] and showed that it can provide EUV power of more than 1 kW for ten scanners simultaneously. It is also upgradable to a “Beyond EUV” FEL light source that performs much finer pattering with shorter wavelength light (~6.7 nm). In addition, it can variably control the polarization of the EUV light, which might be utilized for high-NA lithography. Switching to the EUV-FEL light source from the LPP source can greatly reduce electric power consumption per scanner or 1-kW EUV power and it is suitable for sustainable semiconductor technologies and systems [7]. In this talk, I will present the ERL-based EUV-FEL light source for future lithography and the related activities.

[1] S. Inoue, Proc. of 4th EUV-FEL Workshop, Akihabara, Tokyo, Japan (2019).
[2] N. Nakamura et al., Proc. of ERL2015, Stony Brook, New York, USA, pp.4-9 (2015).
[3] N. Nakamura, R. Kato, T. Miyajima, M. Shimada, T. Hotei and R. Hajima, Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 874 (2017) 012013.
[4] H. Sakai et al., Proc. of SRF2017, pp.13-18 (2017).
[5] R. Kato, Proc. of 4th EUV FEL Workshop, Akihabara, Tokyo, Japan (2019).
[6] H. Kawata, N. Nakamura, H. Sakai, R. Kato and R. Hajima, J. Micro/Nanopattern. Mater. Metrol. 21(2), 021210 (2022).
[7] https://www.imec-int.com/en/expertise/cmos-advanced/sustainable-semiconductor-technologies-and-systems-ssts.

Primary author

Norio Nakamura (High Energy Accelerator Organization (KEK))

Presentation materials