3-6 October 2022
Cornell University
America/New_York timezone

The European ERL Roadmap

3 Oct 2022, 09:50
Cornell University

Cornell University

Hosted by Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853 United States
Presentation Welcome and Introduction Welcome and Introduction


Andrew Hutton (Jefferson Lab)


Following the European Strategy process in 2019, five Roadmap Panels were set up to prepare the technologies needed for future accelerators and colliders: high-field magnets, SRF, muon colliders, plasma wakefield accelerators and Energy Recovery Linacs (ERLs). The ERL Roadmap Panel, consisting of ERL experts from around the world, first developed a comprehensive overview of current and future ERLs. From this a gap analysis was carried out to evaluate the necessary R&D, which led to the development of the Roadmap. The European ERL Roadmap focused on three main aspects: 1) the continuation and development of facility programs for which no additional funds are needed (S-DALINAC in Darmstadt and MESA in Mainz); 2) technology development for room-temperature HOM damping and twin-axis SRF cavities; 3) the timely upgrade of bERLinPro for 100mA current, and 4) the construction of PERLE at Orsay as a dedicated 10MW beam-power multi-turn facility. The Roadmap also describes a vision for future energy-frontier electron-positron and electron-hadron colliders, and describes a high-quality ERL program for 4.4K SRF technology at high Q0. The presentation will address the ERL Roadmap process and results in detail.

Primary authors

Andrew Hutton (Jefferson Lab) Dr Max Klein (liverpool)

Presentation Materials