Accelerator Stewardship with Nb3Sn at JLab

Nov 13, 2020, 11:05 AM


Hosted by CBB and Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853 United States
Oral presentation Applications Applications


Gigi Ciovati (Jefferson Lab)


Jefferson Lab is funded by a grant from the DOE Accelerator Stewardship to demonstrate operation of an SRF cavity with a cryocooler to an accelerating gradient compatible with an electron energy gain of 1 MeV for possible use in an accelerator for environmental remediation. This presentation describes the current plan and initial test results on a 952 MHz single-cell cavity coated with Nb3Sn

Primary authors

Gigi Ciovati (Jefferson Lab) Robert Rimmer (JLab) Uttar Pudasaini (Jefferson Lab) Gary Cheng (JLab)

Presentation materials