10:05 AM
Optimization of vortex pinning by nanoparticles using simulations of the time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau model
Alexei Koshelev
(Materials Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory)
10:25 AM
Tunneling Spectroscopy studies of Nb3Sn for SRF cavities
thomas proslier
10:45 AM
Investigation of Local Nonlinear Microwave Response of Nb$_3$Sn in the Superconducting State
Steven Anlage
(University of Maryland)
11:05 AM
Investigation of Nb3Sn Thin Films using Magnetic Field Penetration Measurements
Iresha Harshani Senevirathne
(Old Dominion University)
11:25 AM
Critical Fields of Nb3Sn
Sebastian Keckert
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin)
11:45 AM
Guided discussion: Next fundamental studies needed for advancing Nb3Sn – What are the important open questions?
Mark Transtrum