Field Emission Cathodes on Niobium Conduction-Cooled SRF Cavity

Nov 13, 2020, 10:20 AM


Hosted by CBB and Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853 United States
Oral presentation Applications Applications


Daniel Mihalcea (Northern Illinois University)


A high-current electron source capable of generating high charge electron bunches at MHz repetition rates is currently being prototyped. The source is based on a 650-MHz single-cell superconducting cavity modify to include a reentrant cathode holder optimized to significantly enhance the electric field on the cathode surface. The electrons are produced via field emission from a field-emitter-array cathode. The system is cooled using a cryogen-free conduction cooling system to ~5K. Electromagnetic simulations indicate the SRF-cavity configuration supports an average accelerating field of 1.4MV/m with the peak field at the cathode around 8.5MV/m. The average electron beam current is limited to 10 microamps by the RF-power source and the field-emitters enhancement factor. We will discuss the design strategy and planned improvements, along with the status of the experiment.

Primary author

Daniel Mihalcea (Northern Illinois University)


Ram Dhuley (Fermilab) Michael Geelhoed (Fermilab) Osama Mohsen (Northern Illinois University) Prof. Philippe Piot (Northern Illinois University & Argonne) Dr Charles Tobin Thangaraj (Fermilab)

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