Jun 19 – 23, 2023
Europe/Madrid timezone

An achromatic space charge dominated low energy dogleg

Not scheduled
Poster Poster


Dr Alberto Bacci (INFN MIlan)


Currently, Energy Recovery Linacs (ERLs) are gaining popularity due to their environmentally friendly and sustainable nature.
However, ERLs require a specialized low-energy injector, also known as a merger. The energy exiting the merger cannot be recycled and is ultimately dumped at the end of the process.
To maximize energy efficiency, it is necessary to reduce injection energy. However, a challenge arises due to the presence of space charge in the dispersive section at low-energy ERL injection, leading to dispersion leaks.

Various solutions for merger beamline design have been developed worldwide to address this issue. Here, we present a novel approach that employs a standard dogleg to create an ultra-low energy merger for an ERL. This was made possible by utilizing the GIOTTO AI code to optimize optics settings and achieve a proper achromatic configuration.

Primary author

Dr Alberto Bacci (INFN MIlan)

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