Beam Dynamics and Instrumentation: Session I
- Alex Bogacz (JLab)
Beam Dynamics and Instrumentation: Session II
- Meghan McAteer (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin)
Any proposal for an accelerator facility based upon a multipass energy recovery linac (ERL) must possess a self-consistent match in longitudinal phase space, not just transverse phase space. We therefore present a semianalytic method to determine self-consistent longitudinal matches in any multipass ERL. We apply this method in collider scenarios (embodying an energy spread minimizing match)...
In a multi-recirculating energy-recovery LINAC (ERL), electrons are accelerated several times in the same LINAC and are decelerated afterwards in the very same LINAC just as often. Even in the case of a twice-recirculating ERL, there are challenges compared to a single-recirculating ERL: When low injector energies are used, phase slippage leads to significantly different energy gains per LINAC...
The baseline scheme for hadron beam cooling in the Electron Ion Collider (EIC) calls for Coherent electron Cooling (CeC) of the hadrons with non-magnetized electrons at high energy (150 MeV electrons), and additional cooling via conventional bunched beam cooling using a precooler system. The electron beam parameters for these concepts are at or beyond the current state of the art, with...
In a recent paper, Valery Telnov proposed a linear collider based on twin axis cavities [1]. In a subsequent presentation, Erk Jensen proposed a modification with intra-bucket energy recovery [2], which eliminates higher order mode excitation. Interestingly, this means that there is no need for large aperture SRF cavities and high-power HOM couplers. The Ghost Collider adopts these ideas, and...
So far, IBS has not been observed in single pass electron accelerators because charge density orders of magnitude higher than in storage rings would be needed. We show that such density is now available at high brightness electron linacs for free-electron lasers (FELs).We report measurements of the beam energy spread in the FERMI linac in the presence of the microbunching instability, which...
The essence of the ERL operation implies that at least two beams (accelerated and decelerated) are co-propagating in the same vacuum vessel and each beam has its own trajectory. The existing beam position monitors measure only “average” trajectory but not that of an individual beam, unless the time separation between bunches is so large that one can resolve individual bunches.
It was...