Oct 3 – 6, 2022
Cornell University
America/New_York timezone

Low frequency 113 MHz SRF gun with room temperature photocathode for Coherent electron Cooling experiment (CeC-X)

Not scheduled
Cornell University

Cornell University

Hosted by Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853 United States
Presentation Electron Sources Electron Sources


Irina Petrushina (Stony Brook University)


High-current low-emittance CW electron beams are of great importance for the existing and future DOE facilities, medical, industrial and security applications. The CW superconducting radiofrequency (SRF) electron photoinjector is one of the most advanced, but also one of the most challenging, technologies promising to deliver such beams. While SRF technology is paving the way for future accelerators, the compatibility of the SRF environment with complex photocathodes remains on the forefront of modern accelerator science, and many important questions remain unanswered. In this talk we will dive into the details of the design and operation of the BNL 113 MHz SRF gun that has demonstrated exceptional performance delivering high charge electron bunches (up to 20 nC/bunch) and low transverse emittances, while operating for months with a single photocathode.

Primary author

Irina Petrushina (Stony Brook University)


Vladimir Litvinenko (Stony Brook University) Igor Pinayev (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Dr Yichao Jing (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Dr Jun Ma (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Dr Gang Wang (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Mr Jean Clifford Brutus (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Ms Geetha Narayan (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Mr Freddy Severino (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Prof. Sergey Belomestnykh (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory) Thomas Hayes (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Mr Patrick Inacker (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Dmitry Kayran (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Dr Thomas Roser (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Dr Wolfram Fischer (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Chase Boulware (Niowave Inc) Terry Grimm (Niowave Inc) Dr Tianmu Xin (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Mr John Skaritka (Brookhaven National Laboratory)

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