Oct 3 – 6, 2022
Cornell University
America/New_York timezone

BriXSinO high-flux dual X-ray and THz radiation source based on Energy Recovery Linacs

Oct 3, 2022, 2:25 PM
Cornell University

Cornell University

Hosted by Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853 United States
Presentation Facility Reports Facility Reports


Dr Dario Giove (INFN Milano - LASA)


We present the detailed design of a compact light source named BriXSinO. BriXsinO is a dual high flux radiation source Inverse Compton Source (ICS) of X-ray and Free-Electron Laser of THz spectral range radiation conceived for medical applications and general applied research. The accelerator is a push-pull CW-SC Energy Recovery Linac (ERL) based on superconducting cavities technology and allows to sustain MW-class beam power with just one hundred kW active power dissipation/consumption. Moreover, the BriXSinO layout allows performing two pass beam acceleration experiments.

ICS line produces 33 keV monochromatic X-Rays via Compton scattering of the electron beam with a laser system in Fabry-Pérot cavity at a repetition rate of 100 MHz. The THz FEL oscillator is based on an undulator imbedded in optical cavity and generates THz wavelengths from 15 to 50 micron.

Primary author

Dr Dario Giove (INFN Milano - LASA)

Presentation materials