Oct 1 – 3, 2018
Physical Science building (PSB)
America/New_York timezone

Q and R/Q measurements with modulated beam currents with beam from the Cornell ERL injector

Oct 1, 2018, 1:30 PM
401 (Physical Science building (PSB))


Physical Science building (PSB)

Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853 United States


Dr Adam Bartnik (Cornell University)


A search for HOMs in Cornell’s ERL main linac cavity installed in a Horizontal Test Cryomodule (HTC) has been carried out using a bunch charge modulation method, as part of the effort towards building an Energy Recovery Linac (ERL). The beam-based HOM measurements offer the significant advantage of being able to detect trapped modes invisible to both the RF pickup probes and HOM damping loads, and allow for measuring the R/Q of the modes. For each HOM detected during the search, measurements were taken to determine its nature (monopole, dipole, etc.), frequency, loaded quality factor and shunt impedance. A selection of the most notable modes found is presented and discussed.

Primary author

Dr Adam Bartnik (Cornell University)


Daniel Hall (Cornell U.) Prof. Georg Hoffstaetter (Cornell University) Prof. Matthias Liepe (Cornell U.) Mr Michael Billing (CLASSE) Prof. Ralf Eichhorn (CLASSE) Vadim Veshcherevich (Cornell University)

Presentation materials