Nb3Sn 5-cell cavity qualification for Nb3Sn cryomodule

Nov 13, 2020, 8:45 AM


Hosted by CBB and Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853 United States
Oral presentation Performance Performance


Dr Grigory Eremeev (FNAL)


Two 1.5 GHz 5-cell accelerator cavities have been coated with Nb3Sn in JLab Nb3Sn cavity coating system. The cavities were qualified at 4 K in the vertical dewar test and are progressed towards their installation into a cryomodule. One of the cavities was used to study fundamental limitation of the coating material using two-mode excitation. Results from the fundamental study as well as the practical challenges in the construction of SRF cryomodule with Nb3Sn cavities will be presented.

Primary author


Uttar Pudasaini (Jefferson Lab) Charles Reece (Jefferson Lab) Tony Reilly (Jefferson Lab) Roman Pilipenko (Fermilab) Kurt Macha (Jefferson Lab) John Fischer (Jefferson Lab) Damon Bice (Fermilab)

Presentation materials