Oct 8 – 12, 2010
Cornell University Statler Hotel
America/New_York timezone

The Ecloud Measurement Setup in the Main Injector

Oct 11, 2010, 3:30 PM
Amphitheater (Cornell University Statler Hotel)


Cornell University Statler Hotel


Dr Cheng-Yang Tan (Fermilab)


An ecloud measurement setup was installed in a straight section of the Main Injector in 2009. The goal of the setup was to compare the characteristics of different beam pipe coatings when subjected to proton beam. The setup consists of one coated and one uncoated beam pipe with the same physical dimensions installed at the same location. Four RFAs (retarding field analysers) and two BPMs (used for RF measurements) have been used to measure the ecloud densities. The RFAs have performed very well and have collected both the time evolution and energy distribution of the ecloud for bare and two types of beam pipe coatings.

Primary author

Dr Cheng-Yang Tan (Fermilab)


Mr Michael Backfish (Fermilab) Dr Robert Zwaska (Fermilab)

Presentation materials