Bmad/Tao Internet School 2020


Bmad is an object oriented, open source, subroutine library for charged-particle dynamics simulations in accelerators and storage rings. Tao is a general purpose simulation program (much like MAD) built with Bmad as its calculational engine. 
There is a long list of things Bmad can do such as:
      - optics matching
      - particle tracking
      - polarized beams
      - nonlinear dynamics and Taylor maps
      - synchrotron radiation tracking
      - etc., etc.
Further information can be found at:

A two week introductory course is being planned with more advanced instruction provided depending upon demand and time constraints. There will be no lectures. The course format will be "reverse classroom" with students reading and doing exercises from the "Tutorial to Bmad and Tao" tutorial ( aided by the teachers with communication through Slack. This should ameliorate time zone issues. It is expected that course work will take about two hours per day on average but day-to-day there is flexibility since the course is self-paced.

Cost: There is no charge for this course.

Prerequisites: There are no formal prerequisites but familiarity with basic Linux commands and the command line along with knowledge of basic accelerator physics concepts will be assumed.

The attached Bmad-School-Intro.pdf gives information on how to participate. To join the Bmad/Tao discussion on Slack, follow the link:

Zoom session to give quick introduction to Bmad and Tao:

  • Was: Monday, July 13, 9am PDT (UTC-7) / 12pm EDT (UTC-4).
  • The video and slides are posted in the #zoom-video channel on the Slack workspace.
  • Monday, July 13
    • 12:00 PM 1:00 PM
      Quick Introduction to Bmad and Tao 1h

      Zoom session to give quick introduction to Bmad and Tao.

      Meeting ID: 982 0717 5650
      Password: bmad

      Speakers: Mr Chris Mayes (SLAC), Mr David Sagan
    • 1:00 PM 7:00 PM
      The rest of the School is via Slack. See the Slack link and the pdf file on the Overview page. 6h