Methods for Characterizing Defects in Advanced Manufacturing Processes

401 (Physical Sciences Building)


Physical Sciences Building

Cornell University
Darren Pagan (Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source), John Carpenter (Los Alamos National Laboratory)


For the characterization community to inform the manufacturing industry on cutting edge research with in situ and ex situ characterization capabilities and how they have been helpful in solving industrial challenges.

For the manufacturing industry to provide invaluable direction to the characterization community on where to focus resources with regards to experimental development for model validation or part qualification/acceptance.

To identify experiments in a formal report that can meet current industrial needs and that will stretch current characterization capabilities.


  1. Industrial Panel Discussion
  2. Invited Talks
  3. Breakout Sessions
  4. Tours of the CHESS Facility and Beamlines


  • Jon Almer (ANL)
  • Don Brown (LANL)
  • John Carpenter (LANL)
  • Andrew Chuang (ANL)
  • Jason Cooley (LANL)
  • Matthew Miller (Cornell)
  • Kelly Nygren (Cornell)
  • Darren Pagan (Cornell)
  • Jun-Sang Park (ANL)
  • Dan Thoma (University of Wisconsin)


  • Aeriel Murphy-Leonard
  • Alkan Donmez
  • Andrew Chuang
  • Anthony Rollett
  • Atieh Moridi
  • Dan Thoma
  • Darren Pagan
  • David Rowenhorst
  • Don Brown
  • Hassan Ghassemi-Armaki
  • Jenniffer Bustillos
  • Jinyeon Kim
  • John Carpenter
  • John Lewandowski
  • John Speer
  • Jun-Sang Park
  • Keith Brady
  • Kelly Nygren
  • Kevin Stone
  • Lewei He
  • Matthew Miller
  • Mostafa Hassani
  • Nik Chawla
  • Peter Lee
  • Qi An
  • Rahul Alreja
  • Rahul Alreja
  • Thomas Broderick
  • Yan Gao
CHESS User Office