The Materials Solutions Network at CHESS (MSN-C) is an AFRL-sponsored program designed to develop and provide state-of-art synchrotron-based x-ray techniques to serve critical DoD manufacturing and research needs. Since its launch in 2019, MSN-C has delivered approximately 250 days of beamtime-days per year, primarily to DoD-based, DoD-funded, and industry-based research and/or development, with applications ranging from residual stress in as-manufactured and treated steel, nickel, and titanium alloy components, to in-situ characterization of fatigue-induced failure, to advanced ex-situ and in-situ characterization of 3D-printed high performance polymer-matrix composites. MSN-C 2023: Progress and Opportunities will showcase scientific studies and hardware, software, and technique developments since MSN-C’s commissioning, provide in-depth information regarding how to get involved, and include a tour of the MSN-C facility. The second day will comprise facilitated discussions on industrial measurements, strategic capability development, and interagency collaborations. DoD- and Defense Contractor-based scientists are specifically encouraged to attend to learn more about MSN-C.