2022 Bmad/Tao School

401 Physical Sciences Building

401 Physical Sciences Building

Cornell University

2022 Bmad/Tao School

[Following the ERL 2022 workshop]


Bmad is an object oriented, open source, subroutine library for charged-particle dynamics simulations in accelerators and storage rings. Tao is a general purpose simulation program (much like MAD) built with Bmad as its calculational engine. 
There is a long list of things Bmad can do such as:
      - Design ERLs.
      - Optics matching
      - Particle tracking
      - Polarized beams
      - Nonlinear dynamics and Taylor maps
      - Synchrotron radiation tracking
      - Etc., etc.
Bmad is particularly adept and handling multi-pass beamlines, including proper phase control of RF cavities, and thus is an ideal tool for design and simulation of ERLs. Further information can be found at:

The course will cover how to create Bmad lattice files and how to use Tao to examine and design lattices. The course format will be "flipped classroom" with students reading and doing exercises from the "Tutorial to Bmad and Tao" tutorial (https://www.classe.cornell.edu/bmad/manual.html) aided by the teachers. Lectures on more advanced subjects may be given depending upon student interest.

Cost: There is no charge for this course.

Location: In person at Cornell University following the ERL 2022 workshop. 

Prerequisites: Having a laptop is the only formal prerequisite. Familiarity with basic Linux commands and the command line along with knowledge of basic accelerator physics concepts will be assumed.

A place to ask questions is the Bmad/Tao workspace on Slack. To join follow the link:
        • https://join.slack.com/t/bmad-simulation/shared_invite/zt-flwsmsc3-ITpqJyhRKNwWkZSA6b4LUw
If you have any problems joining the Slack workspace, please contact dcs16@cornell.edu 

Please register if you plan to attend...

2022 Bmad/Tao Introductory Course Signup
  • Ariel Shaked
  • Chang-Ki Min
  • Colwyn Gulliford
  • Derong Xu
  • Eiad Hamwi
  • Habeeb Khayat
  • Henry Lovelace III
  • Heung-Sik Kang
  • Inhyuk Nam
  • Jim Crittenden
  • Joe Conway
  • Joseph Devlin
  • Maximilian Vitz
  • Nicholaos Tsoupas
  • Noah Tessema
  • Quantang Zhao
  • Vadim Popov
  • Vasiliy Morozov
  • Xiaofeng Gu
  • Yun Luo
    • School 401 Physical Sciences Building

      401 Physical Sciences Building

      • 1
        Introduction to Bmad
        Speaker: David Sagan
      • 2
        School Organization
        Speaker: David Sagan
      • 3
        Introduction to Tao
        Speaker: Christopher Mayes
    • 10:10 AM
      Break 401 Physical Sciences Building

      401 Physical Sciences Building

      Cornell University
    • School 401 Physical Sciences Building

      401 Physical Sciences Building

    • 11:30 AM
    • School 401 Physical Sciences Building

      401 Physical Sciences Building

      • 4
        Speaker: Christopher Mayes
    • 2:10 PM
      Break 401 Physical Sciences Building

      401 Physical Sciences Building

      Cornell University
    • School 401 Physical Sciences Building

      401 Physical Sciences Building

    • 4:00 PM
      Picnic - 415 Klinewoods Rd, Ithaca NY
    • School 401 Physical Sciences Building

      401 Physical Sciences Building

      • 5
        ERL Simulation
        Speaker: Joseph (Scott) Berg
    • 10:20 AM
      Break 401 Physical Sciences Building

      401 Physical Sciences Building

      Cornell University
    • School 401 Physical Sciences Building

      401 Physical Sciences Building

    • 12:00 PM
    • School 401 Physical Sciences Building

      401 Physical Sciences Building

      • 6
        Programming with Bmad
        Speaker: David Sagan
    • 3:20 PM
      Break 401 Physical Sciences Building

      401 Physical Sciences Building

      Cornell University
    • School 401 Physical Sciences Building

      401 Physical Sciences Building

    • School 401 Physical Sciences Building

      401 Physical Sciences Building

    • 10:20 AM
      Break 401 Physical Sciences Building

      401 Physical Sciences Building

      Cornell University
    • School 401 Physical Sciences Building

      401 Physical Sciences Building

    • 12:00 PM
    • School 401 Physical Sciences Building

      401 Physical Sciences Building

    • 3:20 PM
      Break 401 Physical Sciences Building

      401 Physical Sciences Building

      Cornell University
    • School 401 Physical Sciences Building

      401 Physical Sciences Building