Oct 1 – 3, 2018
Physical Science building (PSB)
America/New_York timezone

HOM absorbers, HOM heating, and current limits, including measurements for CBETA

Oct 1, 2018, 4:00 PM
401 (Physical Science building (PSB))


Physical Science building (PSB)

Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853 United States


Mr Nilanjan Banerjee (Cornell University)


The Cornell-BNL ERL Test Accelerator (CBETA) is a new multi-turn high current energy recovery linac currently under construction at Cornell University with a stated goal of 40 mA CW through the injector and 320 mA through the main linac. Higher Order Modes (HOMs) excited by the high current beam will be damped using beamline absorbers and the resulting energy will be converted to heat. In this talk, I will describe the design of these absorbers and their measured performance in both the SRF linacs. Finally, I will explain how the heating restricts the maximum injection current of CBETA to 40 mA.

Primary author

Mr Nilanjan Banerjee (Cornell University)


Prof. Georg Hoffstaetter (Cornell University) Prof. Matthias Liepe (Cornell U.)

Presentation materials