Oct 8 – 12, 2010
Cornell University Statler Hotel
America/New_York timezone


Introductory Lectures on Electron Cloud Physics I

Oct 8, 2010, 9:30 AM
Cornell University Statler Hotel

Cornell University Statler Hotel


Introductory Lectures on Electron Cloud Physics I: Morning Session

  • Mark Palmer (Cornell University)


This session is intended for students, teachers and researchers new to the field of electron cloud physics and its importance for high intensity particle accelerators.

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Dr Mark Palmer (Cornell University)
10/8/10, 9:30 AM
Dr Katherine Harkay (Argonne National Laboratory)
10/8/10, 9:35 AM
Oral Sessions
Dr Miguel Furman (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
10/8/10, 11:15 AM
Building timetable...