Oct 8 – 12, 2010
Cornell University Statler Hotel
America/New_York timezone

Simulations using VORPAL on the effect of imperfections and nonuniformities in TE wave propagation through electron clouds.

Oct 10, 2010, 3:30 PM
Foyer (Cornell University Statler Hotel)


Cornell University Statler Hotel

Board: 8


Kiran Sonnad (Cornell University)


The simulation code VORPAL has been used as a tool to study charecteristics of TE wave transmission in the presence of electron clouds for CesrTA. We look at how the electron cloud induced phase shift is influenced by (1) reflections of the wave, caused by possible protrusions in the beam pipe and (2)effect of nonuniformities of the cloud density distribution in the transverse plane. Authors: K Hammond, J Sikora, S Veitzer, K G Sonnad

Primary author

Kiran Sonnad (Cornell University)

Presentation materials