Oct 8 – 12, 2010
Cornell University Statler Hotel
America/New_York timezone

Experimental efforts at LNF to reduce Secondary Electron Yield in particle accelerators

Oct 9, 2010, 5:30 PM
Amphitheater (Cornell University Statler Hotel)


Cornell University Statler Hotel


Dr Roberto Cimino (LNF-INFN)


A common effort in most of the accelerator centers is to develop new technologies to produce and test beam pipe inner walls of particle accelerators with an as low as possible Secondary Electron Yield (SEY). This item, in fact, is crucial in controlling Electron Cloud formation and in reducing its effects, that are well known to be a potential bottle-neck to the performances obtainable from present and future accelerators. Frascati has a longstanding experience in qualifying materials in terms of surface parameters of interest to e-cloud issues. We are routinely measuring SEY, its dependence from electron energy, temperature and scrubbing and we are about to be ready to study not only Photo Electron Yield (PEY) by using synchrotron radiation beamlines in construction at DAFNE, but more importantly, to characterize in situ the surface chemical composition and eventual modifications occurring during electron or photon irradiation. Such characterization effort is also suggesting ways to produce Low SEY materials. Some preliminary results will be here discussed.

Primary author

Dr Roberto Cimino (LNF-INFN)


D. Grosso (LNF-INFN) M. Commisso (LNF-INFN) R. Larciprete (LNF-INFN) T. Demma (LNF-INFN) V. Nistor (LNF-INFN)

Presentation materials