John Sikora Sikora
(CLASSE, Ithaca, NY)
TE Wave measurement systems have been installed in the L0 and L3 regions of CesrTA. L0 is the location of 6 superconducting wiggler magnets; L3 has round beampipe through a chicane magnet (PEPII) and a NEG coated chamber. At both locations, rf relays are used to multiplex signals from a signal generator output, through the beampipe, and to the input of a spectrum analyzer. Software monitors can be triggered to take data on demand, or on changes in accelerator conditions such as beam current or wiggler fields. The poster will describe the TE Wave measurement technique, the installation of hardware at CesrTA and some measurement examples. It will also outline some of the problems in the interpretation of data, specifically the results of reflections and standing waves.
This work is supported by the US National Science Foundation PHY-0734867, and the US Department of Energy DE-FC02-08ER41538.
Primary author
John Sikora Sikora
(CLASSE, Ithaca, NY)
Kenneth Hammond
Stefano De Santis