Oct 8 – 12, 2010
Cornell University Statler Hotel
America/New_York timezone

Methods for Quantitative Interpretation of Retarding Field Analyzer Data

Oct 10, 2010, 3:30 PM
Foyer (Cornell University Statler Hotel)


Cornell University Statler Hotel

Board: 5


Joseph Calvey (LEPP, Cornell University)


A great deal of Retarding Field Analyzer (RFA) data has been taken as part of the CesrTA program at Cornell. Obtaining a quantitative understanding of this data requires use of cloud simulation programs, as well as a detailed model of the RFA itself. In some cases the RFA can be modeled by postprocessing the output of a simulation codes, and one can obtain “best fit” values for important simulation parameters using a systematic method to improve agreement between data and simulation. In other cases, in particular in high magnetic field regions, the presence of the RFA can have an effect on the cloud, and one needs to include a model of the RFA in the simulation program itself.

Primary author

Joseph Calvey (LEPP, Cornell University)

Presentation materials